
Emergency Care

Get expert support within 24 hours

Circumstances can change suddenly, which means you may need home care in an instant.

Call us if you need to arrange urgent home care. We can arrange for care to begin within 24 hours of your call. Our trained carers can help people with diverse needs.

Who is emergency care for?

Sometimes events can happen so fast that families are left wondering how they will cope. Whether there’s been an accident, a sudden illness or you’ve been let down by your current carer, we’re here to help at the last minute.

By contacting us now, we can urgently arrange:

  • Live-in home care after an accident or unplanned hospital discharge. Read more about what live in care covers here.
  • Visiting care in an emergency, for as little as 30 minutes
  • Nursing care – our carers are fully trained and experienced with many conditions
  • Emergency care if you’re struggling to find cover at short notice
  • Urgent palliative care so your loved one can stay at home for those difficult last moments

We understand your circumstances may change quickly as they unfold. We’re here every step of the way offering tailored support that’s built around your needs.

Available whenever you need us

We will walk you through everything over the phone and can even arrange an immediate visit to your home or hospital by your local care manager

How to arrange visiting care

Speak to our team

Call our team of experts on 01206266815 to talk through your options and any questions you may have regarding your care

A free home care assessment

Your local Smile health care manager will visit you to discuss your requirements and learn about the type of carer you’re after.

Find your perfect carer

We’ll help to match you with a carer that meets your preferences and has the right skills and experience for your needs.


  • 01206266815, 01206266816
  • info@smile-healthcare.co.uk